Tuesday, November 8, 2011

whats new in 4 3 3

whats new in 4 3 3
someone ask about whats new in 4 3 3 and they ask me again about Can someone give me full log of the new4.3.3.?

as we know that 4.3.3 is some operating system in iPad for you who using ipad you must be know about this operating system.

let i tell you about whats new in 4 3 3 operating system on iPad

1. Fixes location data tracking issue. The size of the location database will also be reduced, and when Location Services are turned off, the location database will be completely deleted.
2. If jb install untrackered from cydia....will do exact same thing.
3. 4.3.3 is also suppose to fix some battery drain issues.
that is the three point that i know about whats new in 4 3 3 if someone has more information about whats new in 4 3 3 ipad operating system please tell me know.

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